November 11, 2018 will be the 100th anniversary of the treaty which ended WWI. To mark this occasion CP is collaborating with several area organizations to present a special remembrance program.
We are collecting local stories about individuals who fought in, or were impacted by the war. These stories and other pieces of local history will be combined with songs from the era for a unique staged reading event.
The final program will be presented for the public Sunday, Nov. 11. The time and location will be announced in the coming weeks. A free will donation will be collected that day with a portion of the proceeds going to Veterans’ Memorial Park.
If you have a local story or information that has been passed down through your family to share you can bring it to the theatre, the Gage County Museum, or the Beatrice Public Library. You can also submit your stories online by clicking here.
Deadline for submitting stories is Aug. 31. Special thanks to the museum and library who are collaborating with us on this project and assisting with research.