Community Players is a safe place for all to participate and volunteer no matter the position. We are an equal opportunity non-profit and accept all people of any race, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or religious background. We are committed to bringing together our community and standing firmly against racism, inequality, and all other forms of discrimination, and we strive to build a better community.
Regardless of your background or circumstances, we accept you for who you are. We actively listen and keep up to date on recent events and reflect on how we can be advocates and a safe place for all in our rural community. We welcome any discussions to find ways to build a better tomorrow for everyone. We are working on our journey and are committed to evolving as society changes.
If this statement is not held to the highest standard, please do not hesitate to contact us through the form below, or contact our Managing Artistic Director directly.
Our Engagement, Inclusion and Diversity Committee has been meeting and we have begun to implement several items. Some of our efforts will be take more time than others.
More voices from all parts of our community are welcome as we continue to move forward. Please know that this committee is meant to be a vehicle for expressing thoughts, ideas, and making recommendations. How engaged you are in the implementation of ideas generated by these conversations is up to you. If you would be interested in sharing your voice as part of this committee, please fill out the form below to participate. Thank you.
Thank you for wanting to be be part of the conversation! We will be in contact and look forward to making our community better with your help.
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