You come first.
Sometimes there is confusion about our name. Generally, you’ll see it as Community Players. Occasionally it shows up as Beatrice Community Players, like our website and email addresses (that’s only due to a theatre in another state nabbing our domain name before we could get it 20+ years ago). But our legal name is Community Players.
Another reason Beatrice isn’t our first name, is when the organization was founded it was envisioned to be a resource for all of Southeast Nebraska and Northern Kansas – not just Beatrice.
The point is you – the Community – come first with our programs. We are here to provide you opportunities to connect, to grow, to learn, and be entertained. That works both ways. We need you to be here and be part of that effort.
The most frequent reason people give for not getting involved is that no one asked. I’m asking. Get involved – audition, usher, volunteer, or come to show. It’s you who put the “community” in Community Players.
See you at the theatre
Jamie Ulmer
Managing Artistic Director