Community Players, from the beginning of the organization has recognized the importance of providing educational and performance opportunities for young performers. Over the years that programming has taken several successful forms.
In 1976 CP sponsored a production, “The Little Red Schoolhouse” as a joint project with the Parks and Recreation Dept., featuring a large number of local children. Over the years several opportunities were offered to youth including workshops, classes, productions and collaborations with other organizations, such as the Nebraska Theatre Caravan.
The Beatrice Children’s Theatre (BCT) was established as a committee of the overall organization by the Community Players Board of Directors on June 14, 1988. The creation of the BCT was spearheaded in 1987-88 by several members (past and then current) of the CP Board of Directors, Marya Lucca-Thyberg, Artistic Director at the time, and her husband Steve.
The purpose of BCT was to provide encouragement and experiences in the theatre arts, both artistic and technical, to children of varying ages and backgrounds. BCT produced a production during the last weekend of July/first weekend of August, a time when traditionally CP had been dark. During these years BCT functioned as an essentially independent organization with its own Board of Directors, hiring its own staff and maintaining separate finances, while continuing to function under CP’s non-profit umbrella.
In 2012 CP and BCT voted to fully integrate the two programs. The name Beatrice Children’s Theatre was retired and Stage Door was created to encompass all educational and family programming at CP. The traditional summer BCT production was rebranded as Stars of Summer and continues as it has since 1988.
Players recognizes and acknowledges the impact and efforts of the hundreds, if not thousands, of parents and students who have participated in educational programming over the years, specifically the work of the Beatrice Children’s Theatre. These efforts have provided countless performers, volunteers and arts patrons not just at Community Players, but wherever life may have taken the participants. Community Players firmly believes in providing quality opportunities for youth, as an essential element of the long term growth and overall health of the organization and our community.
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